My Friend, My Friend #FriendshipSunday
My Friend, My Friend!
Funny title right? Yea I know. But that’s how two
ladies I know call to themselves. Some of us have other “hailings” for our
friends including; My Guy, My Padi, Babe, Goon (this actually means a thug hired to threaten, beat up or even kill
somebody, just so you know *winks),etc. But who really is a friend?
A famous
writer once said that “Friends are like elevators, they either lift you up or
take you down. In this world where envy, greed, jealousy, malice, selfishness
and the likes seem to be the order of the day, how does one find a true friend?
I like the way the “wise one” put it in Proverbs 18:24; “A man that hath friends must shew himself
friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (KJV).
The true friend question is answered here and it’s simple. You have to be the
kind of friend you would like to have! This is the fundamental step, and if we
understand this we can go on to enumerate some qualities of a true friend…
Friends are a pretty important part of most
people's lives. Research shows that having quality relationships increases your
likelihood of being happy - so it's good for your happiness to be a great
friend and to have a group of close friends surrounding you too.
A true friend will be there to celebrate
a special moment with you but also provide
support when times are tough.
You might see them every day, once a
year, or less. You might hardly see them at all but instead keep in touch via
telephone, email, or online.
Friends might come and go in your life,
they might make you laugh and cry, but most importantly of all they love you
for who you are. It doesn't matter what a person looks like or what kind of
clothes they wear, but it's what's on the inside that counts. It's the actions
they take, no matter how big or small, to show you how much of a good friend
they are, and being there for you no matter what, even when things are
incredibly tight for them.
A true friend is…
*someone you can trust and who won't
judge you
*someone who won't put you down or
deliberately hurt your feelings, but will show kindness and respect
*someone who will love you not because
they feel they have to because you're their friend, but because they choose to
*someone whose company you enjoy and whose
loyalty you can depend on
*someone who is trustworthy and not
afraid to tell you the truth, no matter how hard it is sometimes
*someone who can laugh when you laugh
*someone who will stick around when
things get rough
*someone who makes you smile
*someone who can accept you for who you
are, and just lend you an ear when you
need to whine or complain
*someone who will cry when you cry
*someone who will give you room to
We’ll be celebrating
such friendship at The Redeemed Christian Church of God-World Changers’
Assembly (232/234, Herbert Macaulay Way, Alagomeji, Yaba) on Sunday the 26th of February, 2017 7:00am and 9:00am. Don’t
come alone. It promises to be an awesomely friendly experience. God bless you.
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