IN HIS LIKENESS - Genesis 1:26 - 27

TEXT:           GEN 1 :26 – 27; I
JOHN 3 : 1 – 3; ROMANS 8:29

It has been an amazing time in God’s presence every time we came to worship with other brethren in the presence of He who first loved us. It may not look like it yet but we believe that the nature of God which is love is in us, we have been given the ability to love others even as Jesus Christ loved us. My friends I welcome you to another month of sharing and loving because we are created in GOD’S LIKENESS
The book of Genesis chapter one verse twenty-six and twenty-seven revealed to us God’s special love for mankind and it says:
Then God said “let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground” So God created man IN HIS OWN IMAGE, in the image of God he created him; male and female He created them. (NIV)
I appreciate God for this opportunity, and I am really excited to be given this special privilege and honour this month to remind us how deep the love of God for mankind. Anytime I think about the above verses I am always overwhelm with this love for mere mortal.  It is so amazing the kind of Love the father had bestowed upon us that we are created in the Likeness of God Almighty. God made heavens and earth, He created stars, moon, sun, he made animals of all kinds, he made angels and other creatures in heaven and earth but none of them carry the image or likeness of GOD.
Likeness according to Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary means a painting, drawing, etc., of a person, especially one that looks very like them, or the fact of being similar to another person, or resemblance to someone.
All of these point to one thing – GOD’S UNMERITED LOVE for man. We were created to rule and reign on earth due to the nature and likeness we have, but the introduction of sin destroyed our ability to dominate every other thing that God has made. No wonder man will see some animals and take to their heels, weather condition sometimes disturb our health and the very essence of God’s likeness which is to create, rule and dominate is not evident or common in man. This is the more reason some do not believe they have the likeness of God. But I am happy to announce to you that what we lost in the garden of Eden through the first Adam has be restored to us at THE CROSS OF CALVARY through the sacrificial Lamb of GOD, the SECOND ADAM – JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH (Romans 5 vs 10 – 19).
Jesus was the only one who did not share the nature of Adam, Jesus’ did not carry the DNA of Joseph, and there was no contribution of any man to the conception of Jesus. Jesus became the beginning of a new breed of God’s likeness, and he came to return us to the factory mode which is the original design of God for you and I. My friend you cannot activate to the full capacity the likeness of God on earth without a close and personal relationship with this God and Jesus has paid the price for all the sins that separate mankind from accessing God’s presence. I encourage you today to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. If you want to make this decision for Jesus now please say this confession and prayer with me:
God of heaven and the earth, I come to you today, I know I am a sinner who deserve your judgement, please have mercy on me and forgive me all my sins. Jesus I accept you as my Lord and Saviour, please come and live in my heart from today in Jesus name, thank you for saving my soul and for writing my name in the book of life. Hallelujah praise God.

If you said the above prayers genuinely I want to congratulate and assure you that you are a child of God now and you carry a strong resemblance of HIS LIKENESS. Please find a bible believing and bible practising church or contact us if you have any further question. Happy new month and God bless you.


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