EMBRACE YOUR BODYIMAGE “ Feel beautiful from inside and outside” BY: OGUNDIMU DAMILOLA “ Hmmm……., so I am going to make this really brief or maybe not lol” What is Body Image? Let’s break it down, BODY: The physical structure, IMAGE: Representation of the external form of a person. Body image refers to our perception of our own body, i.e. how do we see ourselves, Are we confident and satisfied with how GOD has created us, Are we satisfied with our skin colour or Are we trying to fit in the society due to low self –esteem? These are questions we need to ask ourselves personally, we need to take a test of self-evaluation? Body image could either be positive or negative, a negative body image is when we see and think about ourselves in a bad way and uncomfortable and unsatisfied with our PHYSICAL APPEARANCE. 5 EASY GO STEPS TO OVERCOME BODYIMAGE CONCERNS Firstly, We need to understand we were all created in the image and likeness of God, God didn’t make...