DOWNLOAD: Pastor Dare Akinbanjo's Message (24-09-2017) Second Service
Pastor Dare Akinbanjo
the benefits of following the leading of the Spirit far outweighs the
consequence of not following Him, people still do not follow His prompting
because of the following:
People often look the past for guidance and interpretation
of future. But the Holy Spirit is not a slave of the past that He will tie the
future to it. He simply inspires the present and future by a guide from the
past. E.g. Moses (Red Sea) Exo 14 / Joshua (Jordan) Josh. 3
False Evidence Appearing Real. This is one major weapon the
enemy uses to prevent us from following the lead wholeheartedly. It comes in
various shades e.g. fear of heights, unknown, darkness, tomorrow etc. But we
often fail to realize that Jesus knows tomorrow John14:19.
Romans 8:14 is clear on the confirmation of our Sonship. If
we are the children of the Lord we must be led by the Holy Spirit; if we are
not led by the Holy Spirit, we may not make it to heaven. If heaven is your
goal follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
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